Thursday, 18 March 2010

Finnal Submision - Study Topology

Face topology. 

Face is one of key aspect of creating character. By hosing right face for your character u can change its mood, character, type and how it's going to be seen by different people. However just because it looks different it doesn't mean it has to have different topology. Topology it's the base of the face which we can't see in game.  We can see face during game play but not the actual wire and how it's made.

First of all in order to model a face we need a pictures of the person we want to make or the blueprints. Once we got it loaded in our soft it's time to model, since pictures are perspective mode we should also model from perspective mode with same fov as the pictures were taken. One tip is to create camera for each view, thanks to that we don't have to move our perspective camera all the time. Modelling a face it's pretty simple in now days, you can start from sphere in zbrush or mudbox make few subdivisions model face as you go and at the end just retop the geometry to be right for animation and in general.

The retopology, or main topology is the most important thing in this process. It's not how the face does looks like but how its build. For example good topology it's like building with concert fundaments, bad topology it's when we have concert building with wooden fundaments. There is one simple rule in order to create right topology, it's to keep your wire in circle movement. Meaning circling wire around mouth, nose, eyes, entire face from forehead to chin. For example I put some pictures below of it, these are my old and new models that I have worked on.


All these models above are based on one topology. Once you get it right you can make them look as weird as you want and only your skill is limiting you in tems of creating a face exprestion for right character.  However I also put there one face that its not finish completly there fore I will need to do some topology adjustments to be fully ready. As you can see my last face of a devil its not properly created around horns. Wire is going straight up ignoring horns. It should go around it just like it happen in other parts of a face.

I have did little face map in order to show what I mean by round lines

The image above its showing us how the topology works for each part of face. By creating round wire around mouth we can then open and close the mouth, but also create some wrinkles while we are opening mouth on old characters and accurate skin movement. Same goes for eyes and chicks. When you open yor mouth yo move skin from all around face even from ur chicks and around ears bit. Its not too visible but its happening. The picture below its showing that same thing but from side view. 

The reason why we want to have round topolgy its animation of course. Once everything its loopable and easy adjustable we can open our month close do anything. The wire can then be rigged to react as  real skin from human face which add more realism and make it easier to do. For example if we had boxy wire just like the one below.  


We would run in to a lot of problems because nothing is round there fore in order to open mouth or to do anything would be very hard to rig and animate. Also skin could form incorectly creating bugs and more.  Below I put this picture again with some correction that would give us some idea on to how it should looks like in critical areas in order to make it easier in animation and late work.

A,B,C should be rounded.

D is different situation. Some strong heavy characters that are ment to give us feeling that our haracter is unstopable have usually round face, sometimes called ''earth''. Example of that we can see in Gear of War where our character is really big and because of that we can see on his face from mid nose, over chicks to chin he has wrinkles. Lines like that but corrected so they go under the chin would make it possible to do and later rig properly.

For example person above its main character from Gear of War. Thanks to his fat ''earth'' face playing this characters its simply pleasure. Its big body and strong face make it perfect for this game. Loads of great faces we can see in WWE where wreslers are really working on their face expresion.

I also marked there few things. The red lines are symboling wrinkles which we could make from the model above (blue one) and the blue lines are showing us type of face, its got very straight design quite boxy which give us the right feeling.  Also thanks to round wire we almost always have wire and enought polygnd to add detail where we need it. For example eye, forhead, and chicks usually in old age or after some damage would have loads of wrinkles, little details or scars. Thanks to making everything round we can add a lot of details and then use normal map to represent it and it will look good since the topology is correct. However sometimes our characters are bick ''wicked'' like the devil above, there we have to strugle and fight throught wire in order to get it right, but by holding to standard round wire method everything should be fine.

Of course in character designs we have more face types than just this one. For example lets take spider man boy. His face is slim, you almost can see bones going out from under his skin. Which make its good choice for that kind of characters because its a fast dramatic person.

Retopology in now days its still most important feature but also one of easiest think to do. Once we  create high detail model we can then retop it to add more wire/polys where we have more details, its just fun.

Zbrush - James - Finnal Model


So here we are. 19/03/2010 my deadline day haa! Well big moment time to hand over my work and see how much I'm worth hehe :) Few screens below showing the model.

Zbrush - Tips tricks - what anoy me...


Well another little update, Not much of work since its almost done. But I think its just worth mentioning that Layer System in Zbrush is a bit annoying... Basically what its happening:

1. Layer Base model
2. Lets say Hair detail Only
3. Face detail Only

And the problem is that Zbrush is picking up object shape from previous stage. Which is stage 2 giving us 3+2... Kinda. What its happening then if we want to have only stage 3 Layout we cant have it because its gona have included Stage 2 since it was active.

Wish we could just pick from what were sculpting instead of that bah!

GOZ for Zbrush GOMax edition !

Wopi ! It looks like we get loads of free stuff from Pixologic, and if that was not enought we get more free stuff from comunity !

Norman3D with friends made great script for us Max users allowing us to take our work from zbrush to max and backwards by just clicking 1 button ! Isnt that just great! :)

Link ^^:

Zbrush - Scupling from sphere


So I have few days ago this little video as an example of sculpting  on a model without good wire. In this case sphere or the other one more ''square wire''(cant remember).

Video is showing the entire process of sculpting some concept head. I did it on the go so it might look a bit ''off''. Main reason why I did it is to show the key parts of the face that I mention in previous posts. I was trying to show mainly the ''arrow'' nose and those strong chicks that would create shadow under the face. I didn't focus too much on the lips nor ears since the wire its a bit ''messy'' and I would do them once I do retop, to make it easy. 

I also had another video that would show, retoping part. All the painting wire and then going through entire face to get the model. However Zbrush crashed and I lost it. 

In this video I mostly used:

Move tool

Standard tool

Clay tool

I find them one of the best tools to work with in case of human sculpture. 

Few user full thing I learn from zbrush is that not all zbrush and functions work with perspective. For example Retop process need to be don't in Orthographic mode,  also masking and texturing requite it too in some cases. 

Enjoy the vid!

It looks like we cant resize and make it full screen on blogspot... I'll reupload next vids on youtube then.

Little new from Pixologic ! Finnaly UVW mapping for ZBRUSH!

Thats it ! Pixologic has finally make a plug-in for zbrusk that allow us to create INSTANTLY perfect UVW maps that are just mind blowing. I try it for 10 mins and what took me hours in max and was not perfect, took me only ... 5 SECONDS in zbrush and it looks amazing. Yea we can argue that UVW its a bit stretched here and there but hey, no seams - 5 sec work, normal UVW to work in photoshop. Amazing piece of work

Love u Pixologic for this FREEE plugin !! :) 

Link ^^ :

Face Topology - Study James face and in general

In this part you can find my second part of face study. This time I have focus a bit on a side view of the face. 

The image below is showing us almost all the key points of the face that we need to take under consideration during the face modelling.  Again its same rule as with the front, its their size and shape that control the face. The wire can be always that same.


The red colour, dark blue and light green stands for face shape, and forehead profile. We can have either straight forehead or a  little bit ''bumpy'' around eyes just like Red line show. Also we can have either smooth corner of face which stared on the corner of eyes and eyebrows. In Uncharted 2 from previous post our friend main character from game had these corners quite strong and visible. It's easy to spot them with right lighting.

The white lines that I draw next to face on left are for nose study. We can have quite a lot of different variations of noses to be honest. Either straight, or a little bumpy in the middle or spherical at the end, They all could find one type of character so there's not much of rules there.

However I find out that when we are creating characters with skinny chicks and strong face structure it's the side profile that we can edit the chicks and create that shadow area, in sky-blue colour place which create that sharp dramatic face.

And again the wire for this model will work that same for any other model that we can create as long as its round and without bigger bugs or triangles. Its quite crucial to keep our wire without triangles or any other shapes than quads. Its because of the subdivision tools that need perfect quads to work great.  

Face Topology - Study James face and in general

The picture below is showing us my friend from university, Mr. James who was nice enough to let me use him as my study subject. I have marked his face on blue, red, and green colours to show key aspects of face topology.  


For example red colour is showing us the key points of our face. The eyes, nose, lips and others. When I am modelling a character or designing one I'm mostly focusing on them because well even thought they are almost entire face it's their shape and size that can tell us who the character is and give us initial feelings. For example the Y shape on chicks is one of the biggest factor that can crate face volume. If the person is skinny, old or just he got muscle structure like that we will almost be able to see his chicks bones. That will mostly cause lots of shadows on his lower part of face around corners near eyes which would make it sharp strong character or he's just hungry. However if he got full, ''puffy'' chicks like Fenix from ''Gears of War'' it will give us similar feeling that he is strong but also that he is big. Also by adding little wrinkles we can add a bit more feelings to our character, in area around side of lips on chicks.


On the blue colour I have marked the wire. It's the initial shape of the loops around the key points that we should have. When modelling a face we want to have round, circular loops around nose, eyes, lips and around entire face. There is many reasons why we want that. For example if we want to create winkles its easier when the wire from the beginning its forming them and all we have to do is to slightly adjust them. Another reason is that once we start to rig our characters its easy to select and edit loop able wire. 


On the green colour I have selected what would happen to face if we would open our mouth to say something or to scream. Notice that when we are screaming we are not only moving our lower chin but also pushing our eyebrows towards each other, creating wrinkles on nose and in general we are moving everything. It's the purpose of round wire around or face to make this animation easy. Since everything is in loops and easy to select creating face mimics it's a lot more easier than if we had some boxy wire of even nurbs. Also by having that wire our skin dynamics would be a lot easier to make since things that happening to our face when we scream are easiest way to create once everything it's in loops, for example winkles around lips (painted in pink).


The next part when I'm modelling someone is to define characteristics of that person. If he is skinny, with strong bone structure, or muscle structure. If he has specific nose or eyes type. It's a lot easier to create one once you know the fundamentals. For example if you look at European people and Chinese, they are quite different, the face anatomy is that same as well as muscle structure but it's their size and proportions that make us different. Look at Chinese people eyes, they are quite small and wide, also their chicks are usually quite exposure which can let us almost clearly see bones from under the skin. However no matter how different the character is we can make him from only one wire model. What I mean by that is that if we will model a ''standard'' face in any modeling software with right topology/wire we can then make any person on the word.

Anyway let's move forward. On the image below I have put our friend James again with few marks on his nose which I'd like to study for a moment. I think that nose is one of the most important parts of face that is creating the initial feeling of the character. I have find out that there are roundly three type of nose that are used in industry and then their size and variations are making the big differences.  They are:

1. Arrow pointed downwards

2. Upside down T

3. Upside down Y.


If we look at the drawing here we can see that once we draw an arrow or and inverted Y we can create nose around the shape and it will look in a way ''right''. Usually when we have character in games, or cinema if they are strong, heroic or evil we will have usually either arrow or mix with T nose. It's one of those sharp strong noses that character need to have. The T nose is used a lot in characters who are simply big. Like wrestlers or Fenix from Gears of Wars. It fit them perfectly. 


(Picture from : )

However nose it's not all of it. Once we have the right nose we need the right chicks. We can't really have a big fat nose with skinny chicks because it will look quite weird maybe even cartoon, if that the look we are looking for. Let's look at Fenix for GoW. He have quite big, flat nose (shape T), with big round chicks as you can see below. It works for him perfectly. The chicks give the right volume to the face, making it big round, fat and with extra detail of wrinkles we can feel the character straight away. If we would do it oppositely with sharp nose and skinny chicks, we would get some one that it's more like a hero alike character. For example spider man from comic series, he usually had that skinny face and straight little nose. Also the round wire would fit our friend Fenix perfectly, the wrinkles would be easy to make and later on animation of this big ''volume'' should be simply a pleasure.


Chick and nose is of course not all of it. We also have eyes, eyebrows, ears and more. Let's have a quick look at eyes, lips and eyebrows. Different characters will have different eyes. For example Fenix it's a big character, strong face structure quite big and very little eyes, with huge eyebrows which fit him perfectly. Even thought the face proportion are a little bit weird we have the right feeling of the character we are playing.

Anyway let's not just focus on Fenix and spider-man, I have brought below two character from Uncharted 2 game on PS3. Like I said above its good to not mix curtain characters since they might look a bit cartoon, however in some cases they might look just right. 

For example the person below its quite big and muscle character. And even thought when he got quite big T size nose with huge lips, the designers gave him straight skinny chicks with mid size Asian eyes. It shouldn't work but as we see it works great for that character, the reason why is that it's because his entire body is a little bit off. Look at the size of his hands and arms, they are quite big aren't they? The body, it's volume it's making the face right, even, thought even without it would look ok. Just like in Hulk design. Big green muscle monster with little legs.


(Pictures from:

Also more examples here : )

I also brought another one character from Uncharted 2. Its the main character I believe that we get to play. If we look at his face we can see that its quite perfect. Arrow size nose, with a bit skinny chicks, small eyes, straight strong tiny eyebrows with normal size lips. I have highlighted on blue the aspects I mean, also on red you can see what would it looks like with a bit ''puffy'' face.


So as you can see, characters are quite basic and easy to design once we know the rules and relationship between face parts. If we want funny cartoon character just mix them together. For unusual ''unique'' character sometimes its enough to overexposure one of parts. For all those character we could use one type of wire.

At the end id like you show you wire of model of  James face. His face was modelled from a ''standard'' premade by me face that I got from quite a long time. The face with red lines its over painted wire that I would make using retop function later on once sculpture its finished if I didn't had the wire right. Since I got the wire from beginning all I will do its slightly correct it to match the face characteristics, when even it got scars or winkles or anything like that.


Now the retop function that I mention above stands for retopology. It is used a lot for models made out of sphere or any other shape. If the artists does not have the base wire, like I did he can start the model from sphere and then by subdividing it few times he can get it to look like human person. However his wire will be wrong and most of the time unusable for games or anything else. In that moment we have to do retopology, first what we do is draw pre-wire just like I did with the red lines. Once I got this part done its time to make the wire on model and then project the high level detail on low poly model. Thanks to that we have our ''roundy'' low poly wire which is great for animation and easy to use in postproduction. 

Sunday, 14 March 2010



This blog is made for my Topology study of face. I will post in near future some videos and few tips and tweaks about making faces in zbrush and about process of production.